Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Evergreen Questions/Concerns II

1. detailed work history
2. personal and archival cultural memorabilia and ephemera
3. old and recent newspaper articles, "mainstream" and "black"
4. Support from who/m?
5. impact of environment/region (especially South) on identity, music, style, etc.
6. gender considerations/sexism
7. black feminist impulses
8. issues of courage, self-definition/validation
9. contours of success/lack thereof
10. childhood, adolescence, young adulthood
11. impact of religion
12. role models, mentors
13. quality of technique, skill
14. songwriting skills
15. experience with industry
16. impact of academic education
17. women of their eras or ahead of the curve
18. hard times
19. skin color, body issues, hair issues
20. competition

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